Big Ben

Friday, 1 October 2010

Day 10

Today started off with all the right intentions.  I intended to get up early and go from North London to Hackney to flyer for tomorrow night's music event.  1) Never send someone to flier who doesn't know the neighborhood. 2) London does not operate like SF when it comes to flyering for events.  I had all the best intentions to get the leaflets out to cafes and other types of shops but it just didn't happen.  They don't have tables for this type of stuff in London.  Dave, the gentleman who I'm staying with at the moment, explained to me that there is SO much going on in London and its boroughs that people don't even bother with the flyers really.  So needless to say, my flyering attempt was unsuccessful :(

After walking around and feeling a wee bit defeated, I made my way back to the overground and got to the underground and made it to the office at noon.  Got situated there and assisted Joe in finding lodging accommodations for his trip to the States next week.  That too did not go as expected and a few hours later we finally got it all squared away.  That left me with about an hour to work on the database before packing up and heading back home to North London.

I don't know why...but I'm pretty tired tonight.  I think my sleep pattern is finally back on track.  Dave had dinner ready when I got home and we had baked potatoes, green beans and sausages with mango chutney.  Mighty tasty I might add.  After, Dave's band mates came over for a rehearsal before tomorrow's event.  They're called the Grateful Dads and play an array of rock songs from different decades.  Should be a fun event tomorrow.  I've been made the bar manager and am responsible for cash drops through the night.  Not far from what I'm used to doing for events (except for catering).

So now I'm getting ready to stock the cash drawers before popping in a DVD or streaming the BBC online.  I really want to get up tomorrow and go for a nice, long walk...but that will depend upon the rain.  It started to rain this week and tomorrow is supposed to be pouring.  Hopefully next week it'll clear up a bit so that I can go and do a few more touristy things. 

So with that...I say goodnight and sleep well to you.  See you again online tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Just read your blog - sounds like so much fun! I'm really jealous that you get to actually live there for a little while. RE: Buckingham Palace -- the last time I went to London (5 years ago!) I wanted to catch the changing of the guard. Turns out there was a big diplomatic thing going on with South Korea that day, and there was a huge parade with the guards, limos carrying princesses, etc. The queen & the SK president rode right past me in - I sh!t you not - a golden horse-drawn carriage. Looked like something straight out of Cinderella. I got a picture but of course it was all blurry. Anyway, it was quite an experience!
