Big Ben

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Day 19

Another day not going according to plan.  I knew that I wasn't supposed to meet up with my friend Marc until about 4 or 5 p.m. so I chose to stay in bed and take a late morning, early afternoon nap before heading out.  I thought that this additional sleep would help me feel better...but I was wrong!

Unfortunately I had to miss out on a kick ass warehouse party and some quality time with an old friend.  The cold has moved a little into the chest with a little congestion still in my head.  The back too is also still wonkey.  I think that sitting in the old office chairs at the office aggravated the right, lower side of the back.  Not to mention walking up stairs.  So needless to say...I've been taking pain killers and muscle relaxers yesterday and today.  Tomorrow I expect to be back up and running normally with just a few remnants of the cold.  I off-shifted my Saturday plans to tomorrow and will head out to Hampton Court Palace then.  As much as I want to get up into the London Eye...I'm okay if I don't make it.  I still have three other countries to get to coming up so I'd rather save the money.

After canceling on my friend, I headed out to grab some lunch and a hot whiskey.  How I love a hot whiskey or two when you're sick.  They make you feel so much better it truly is amazing.  Again I had chips for lunch and got a panini to go.  Got lots more fluids as well and an ice cream cone.  I've eaten like udder shit the last two days because I've been sick.  Tomorrow, I'm back on the healthy kick.  Can't continue to drop weight if I eat like a pig.  LOL.

So with that...I sit here watching iPlayer on the BBC looking at some readings that I need to get through for my research.  However, for some reason I doubt that I'll get to either one.  Well...maybe I'll start one but I won't finish that's for sure.  It's already 7:35 p.m. and I'm ready to go back to sleep.  Damn I hate being sick when traveling. 

Okay...goodnight and so long...until tomorrow.

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